An Analysis of Action in Rem in Maritime Procedure Law 浅析《海事诉讼特别程序法》中的对物诉讼制度
Action in rem is the inevitable result in maritime litigations, its existence and development are the requisition of maritime industry. 对物诉讼是航运关系的特殊性的必然产物,其产生及其存在和发展适应了航运业的特殊要求,具有客观必然性。
Criminal Compulsory Measures in the Constitutionalism Visual Field On Action in Rem and Law of Ship Arrest in China 宪政视野中的刑事强制措施&以搜查和扣押为范例的考察对物诉讼与我国的船舶扣押法律制度
The Relationship Between Maritime Lien and Action in Rem 船舶优先权与对物诉讼的关系
Its embryo dates from "action of right in rem" which belongs to the principle of "Where there is right, there is remedy" disciplined by Roman Law. 罗马法尊奉哪里有权利哪里有救济的原则,其中对物的诉讼可以被视为物上请求权制度的雏形。
The system of arrest of ships in common law countries is tightly connected with action in rem, which, as an old but lively law system, plays a very important role in maritime lawsuits, and has influenced the civil law countries as well. 英美法系的扣船制度与对物诉讼密不可分,对物诉讼作为一项古老而具有顽强生命力的法律制度,在英美法系海事诉讼中扮演着举足轻重的角色,并已将其影响力波及到大陆法系各国;
On Terrorist Crimes On Action in Rem 论恐怖活动犯罪
Action in rem first founded in Roman, but it survived only in England, and thrived in its maritime procedure. 对物诉讼源于罗马法,却只在英国得到延续,并在其海事诉讼中得到巨大发展。
On Object of Execution On Action in Rem 简论对物诉讼
And through the comparison with the system of action, the writer explains the necessary to refer to the system of action in rem in Chinese system of arrest of ships. 本义首先对我国的船舶扣押制度的法律属性进行阐释,并通过与英国对物诉讼制度的比较,认为我国船舶扣押制度在总的体系上还需进一步借鉴对物诉讼制度。
The rules of action in rem of Britain, which are characteristic of the common law countries, also exerts great influence. 英国的对物诉讼制度对我国扣船制度影响重大,对物诉讼的诸多程序和实体性的优点,为海诉法所吸收,大大地发展和完善了我国的扣船制度。
There is a special theory and practice of jurisdiction in maritime action, such as distress jurisdiction, action in rem, etc. 海事诉讼具有独特的管辖理论与实践,比如扣押管辖、对物诉讼等。
Is that action valid? On Action in Rem For him, the means is Action. 其行为是否有效?
Expropriation of land is the action which acquires the ownership and rights in rem on objects of others and is enforced by the administrative organs for the common interest of the nation with compensations as the term. 土地征收是国家为了公共利益目的,以补偿为条件,通过行政机关强制取得他人土地所有权和他物权的行为。
Discussing the procedural, the paper introduces the action in rem and the arrest of ship. 在论述船舶优先权的程序性特征时,重点介绍了对物诉讼的特点以及船舶扣押。